Contact Us

Transit Bangkok is the guide that aims at facilitating the use of the mass transit systems by providing information about several modes of transportation in one place. The site provides guides for buses, boats and trains.

We are delighted every time we get user input. We have an comment function for every line there you can write your feedback or questions regarding that line. At every station it is possible to upload an photo of the station to improve the user experience. Another way to help improve this site is to register a transportation boarding (check-in) from a station.

It is totaly free to use transit Bangkok. If you want to have an ads free expericence you are welcome to register and account. After registration you will get 30 days of ads free usage. In order to extend the period with another 30 days, you can write an comment, upload a photo or register a boarding.

Feel free to send comments, contributions and suggestions to

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