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曼谷公交车: Children'S Palace, Viphawadi Soi 3 ,Opposite Chockchairuammit

Name of Station: Children'S Palace, Viphawadi Soi 3 ,Opposite Chockchairuammit
Connecting Lines 24, 69, 92, 107, 129, 138, 187, 504, 555

Name in Thai: วิภาวดีซอย3,ตรงข้ามซอยโชคชัยร่วมมิตร
From Children'S Palace, Viphawadi Soi 3 ,Opposite Chockchairuammit to:

To Children'S Palace, Viphawadi Soi 3 ,Opposite Chockchairuammit from: